
Showing posts from July, 2023


There are only 3 months left until Halloween, not that I'm counting! At this time every year I start to think about Halloween and the fall. I dream about comfy sweaters and baking and spooky movies and books. This year, inspired by our favorite Gravity Falls episode Summerween, we decided to carve a watermelon, dress up in costumes and watch Spooky shows. It turns out that carving a watermelon is much easier than carving a pumpkin and the red watermelon color is perfect for a Spooky face, not to mention that watermelon smells a lot better than pumpkin.  Happy Summerween!

Summer Project

Our summer scrapbook. This is our second year doing this picture project. Last year I bought this Instax Camera with cute vintage inspired case and scrapbook with black pages. I wanted to involve the kids in creating a summer family album. They took turns taking the pictures and we decorated the pages with paint markers and stickers. By the end of the summer we had a scrapbook full of pictures and drawings  This year we are going to use an Instax photo album and I can't wait to see all the pictures we take on our summer adventures this summer! Happy Summer Adventures!