Pom-pom Yoga Games

There are so many great yoga game ideas for kids out there, this is one that I found that is good for all age groups. The original idea was picking up the pom-poms with your toes only but I found that you can make many variations as you go. Ask the kids for ideas as you're playing as well it's fun to see what they will think of.Toe-ga
Empty a bag of pom-poms on the floor. Sit in a circle around the pom-poms. Each player sits back, hands on the floor, knees bent. Place an empty bowl near each player's feet. 123 go, using only their toes each player has to put as many pom-poms in their bowl as they can.
Yoga pose pom-pom pick up
Empty a bag of pom-poms on the floor. Standing or sitting in a circle choose a yoga pose that everyone can do. While in the pose each player has to place as many pom-poms in their bowls as they can. 

Some poses to try:
Downward dog, use your hands to pick up the pom-poms. 
Tree pose use your toes to pick up the pom-poms.
Rainbow pom-pom art
This is a non competitive group activity. In a circle around the pom-poms chose a pose that everyone has to hold for 15 seconds. While holding the pose sort the pom-poms by colour into piles. Choose another pose and start making a rainbow. Continue choosing poses until the rainbow is finished. Mix up the pom-poms and start over to make a flower.

Have fun!


  1. I like your post. It is good to see you verbalize from the heart and clarity on this important subject can be easily observed... Yoga asanas


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