Fall Scavenger Hunt

It's not too late to spend a nice afternoon outside. This scavenger hunt is a great activity to keep the kids interested on a fall hike.
What you need:

Small paper bags
What to do:
Make a list of 8-10 fall items that you know are fairly common in your area
Example: a leaf of each cololr, a rock, stick, an acorn, a pinecone etc.

Write 'Fall Scavenger Hunt' on the bag in gray or black marker. Use the same marker to make 8-10 boxes (one for each item on your list)
Using the colored markers write the list of items on the bag 
(one item next to each box)

Place one pencil in each bag
(to mark items off as you go)
You're ready to hike! 
As you check items off your list place the item in the bag. At the end of the hike take the items out to see what everyone collected.



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