Pirate Loot
Pirate hat treasure box and gold coins Surprise your little pirates with these easy to make pirate accessories. Time: about 15 minutes Cost: under $5.00 Material: 2 pieces of felt Needle and thread Fabric paint Yellow foam sheet Empty baby wipes container (the plastic ones that come for free in the big boxes of wipes) Brown and yellow construction paper Tape Scissors Directions: Pirate hat: Place one piece of felt on top of the other. Cut out the shape of a pirate hat. Sew each end of the hat. Using the fabric paint draw stitch marks and a skull and cross bones in the middle Treasure box and treasure Measure the brown construction paper against the baby wipes container. Cut out pieces to cover all sides. Tape the paper to the container. Using the yellow construction paper make decorations for the treasure box including a lock and hinges. Using the yellow foam sheet cut out circles for gold coins.