Foam Books

When I was little I loved making books of my own stories and I have passed this love down to my son.  We have made many books from construction paper, they are fun but didn’t withstand the toddler test.  He likes to read books on his own like a big boy but the paper and stickers looked a little worse for the wear after a couple of intense reading sessions.  So this is my answer to the toddler book dilemma, foam books!  I used a combination of drawing and construction paper glued onto the pages.  I also used googly eyes and they have surprisingly passed the toddler test!
Time: About an hour – We did half of it together and I finished it when he went to bed.  The finished project was a surprise the next morning.
Cost: Under 10$ – All the materials for this craft can be found at a dollar store if you don’t already have them at home. 


3 sheets of coloured crafters foam
Construction paper

Googly eyes

2 fasteners
Coloured pens



1.     Think up a story.  It doesn’t have to be complicated.  Think about your child’s interests or something you’re trying to teach them.  My story was simple.  Rock band and Sesame Street are his two favorite things right now (especially his rock band sesame street figurines!)  I made a simple question game with instruments and the characters.

2.     Decide how the story will be laid out in the book.  Make a rough draft of the story and    pictures with the pencil.

3.       Cut out and glue the characters you want to stand out.  Glue the googly eyes.

4.     Write the story and draw the rest of the pictures with the coloured pens (copying over the pencil outline.)

5.     Place the pages in order and fasten with the fasteners. 

Enjoy a new book at story time!


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