First Family Run

I signed us up for a run to benefit our city's woman's shelter on Thanksgiving Sunday. I'm not a runner, at all so I signed up for 2k run and I signed the little man up for the children's 500m. Signing up was the easy part then there was the training. I had one month. 2km isn't far to run but it had been a long time since I had run at all. On my first try it took me 17 minutes and I ran less than half. By the third time out I found my rhythm (slow) but I ran the whole way. It was fun to have something to work at and slowly I could see and feel my improvement.

We practiced one a week as a family in the park where the run would take place. My hubby is an avid runner so he was our coach, showing us the best warm ups and giving tips on how to find a rhythm. Our little man was very excited to run all together, he ran the whole way without stopping.
The day of the run was a perfect fall day, sunny and 13ÂșC. I ran my best time yet at 14 minutes. Little man did great at his 500m. It was for a good cause and we discovered a fun new family activity!


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