Hello Again!

It's been a while! My last post was last August! I can't believe I let it go for so long. Life has changed a little bit in the past year the biggest change being that my little man has started school and we don't have as much time to craft as we used to.

To feed my creativity I started an Etsy shop called Meg's Chalk Shop where I sell all things chalkboard, picture frames, wall hangings, menu boards etc.

Little man doesn't think I should sell anything I make. Every picture frame is his favorite and he wants to keep them all. I let him choose a picture frame and paint with me last week. He chose a heart shaped frame and painted it all the colors of the rainbow. As he was painting he made me promise that I would not sell his picture frame on Etsy!

With summer coming (Any day now!) I have already started thinking about crafts and activities for us. I will blog again!


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