Fairy Garden

Making a fairy garden is a great family activity that promotes creativity and introduces kids to gardening.
You can create a fairy garden in a corner of your flowers garden or in a planter, as we did with this one.

2-3 plants
 (I chose plants that do not flower and look like little trees)
Fairy house and accessories 
(we made a house out of a small terracotta plant pot)
Step 1:
Fill the planter with dirt. Plant your chosen plants in the planter, leave enough space between each for them to grow out and to accommodate the fairy house. 
Hint: after you add the dirt place your plants and fairy house in the planter to decide where to place them.
Step 2:
Add the fairy house. We used the one we made here.
Add the fairy fishing pond.
Step 3:
Add the finishing touches,such as a path of stones from the house to the fishing pond and a clothes line made out of sticks and twine. We also added some pinecones to act as trees.
Enjoy your new garden!


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