Valentine Letter Association

Little Miss will be starting kindergarten next September. We're practicing letters and fine motor skills such as gluing and using scissors. I did the same kind of acrivities with Little man before he started school. 
What you need:
  1. Blank paper or a work book (we have a sketchbook we use for our 'school' work)
  2. Red, pink or purple construction paper
  3. Markers, pencil, glue stick and scissors 
What to do:
  • On the white paper, draw 8 hearts in pencil, write the letters I-L-O-V-E-Y-O-U in the hearts.
  • Cut 8 hearts out of the construction paper and write the same letters in each heart using the markers.
  • Lat the construction paper hearts out on the table beside the white paper. Give your little one the glue stick and have them choose one heart at a time to glue on the corresponding letter on the white page. When all the letters are glued down you can draw and decorate the white paper. 
Happy learning a d happy Valentine's Day!


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