Blogmas Day 7: DIY Present: Mini-Figure Display Case

One thing that I like about Blogmas is that I get the chance to post things that I started but didn't get around to finishing. I made these Lego display cases to put in Little Man's room (and get some of the Lego figurines off of the floor!) Lego display cases start at  $15.00 in stores but I made these cute ones from Dollar Store finds for under $5.00. These display cases along with some mini-figures would make a great Christmas present for any Lego lover.

Wood Mini Figures Display Case 
What you need:
  • Wood displace case from a craft store (I found my at the Dollar Store.) 
  • Brick Tape
  • Paint
  • Strong Glue (Tacky Glue)
What to do:
  1. Paint the case any colour you like, Little Man chose black. the display case that I bought has a slide-in plastic cover, take off the cover to paint the inside of the case. Give the display case at least two coats. Let dry over night. 
  2. Cut the brick tape to the size of the display sections. Glue the brick tape into place, let dry before using. 
  3. Add your Mini figures and display them on the wall. The display cases that I bought didn't have a hook on the back, to hang on the wall I used Command Velcro picture hanging strips. 

Drawer Organizer Mini Figure Display Case
What you need:
  • A drawer organizer with many compartments
  • Brick Tape
  • Strong Glue
What to do:
  1. Measure and cut the brick tape to fit the compartments. Glue the tape into place, let dry over night before standing mini figures on the strips. 
  2. This display case has to be mounted on the wall unless you find a drawer organizer with a straight edge, the one I bought had rounded edges and would not stand on its own. To mount on the wall drill holes in the upper corners of the display case. Use nails or screws to mount the display case on the wall.
Happy Christmas present crafting!


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