I Dig You, Valentine's Sensory Activity

There is something very relaxing about a Sensory activity. I made this Valentine's Day activity for Little Miss, we both like kinetic sand, it's fun to play with and isn't as messy as some other sesory bin materials. I also don't think there is an age limit on sensory activities. 

I found all the material I used at the Dollar Store. This would be very easy to make using any materials you have on hand.  The supplies I used are:

• Container (I used a heart shaped chip and dip bowl)

• Kinetic sand

• Heart jewels (or any Valentine's craft supply works)

• 'Shovels' (I used wooden spoons because it's not beach season so I couldn't find any little sand shovels.)

• 'I dig you' sign


Open and dump. It's as simple as that, start with the jewels or craft supplies. Place enough sand to cover the jewels. I topped it all of with a 'Happy  Valentine's Day' sign that I had left over from a cake a few years ago. I placed the 'shovels' in the dip portion of the dish and placed the activity on the table with a sign that said 'I dig you Valentine!'

This turned put to be a fun little surprise activity that I brought out the week of Valentine's Day. We all enjoyed it, digging up the gems then burying them again and playing in the sand is just a fun, relaxing activity!

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Crafting!


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