Super Bowl Crafts and Preparations

Over the years we have acquired a good amount of football decorations and come up with football themed activities and games for family friendly Super Bowl parties. This year we added some new decorations to our collection and came up with a few new activities.
We started by ordering a pack of photo props. Little Miss and I assembled them and I used a metal bucket and some floral foam to display the photo props upright, which also makes this a nice centerpiece. 
This year I thought it would be fun to have our guests vote for who they think will win. I made this little poster with construction paper and white printer paper. We hung the poster near the TV with pens available. 
To make it fun we are giving little prizes to the winners, football keychains with the year written with a permanent white marker.
I hope these easy party ideas provide some inspiration!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday and happy crafting!


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