New Year's Eve Craft

Conversation with a three year old about New Year's Eve:

Me: Should we decorate for New Year's Eve?
Little man: More presents?
Me: No, there's no presents.
Little man: Cake?
Me: No, we're not having cake.
Little man lost interest at this point.

Obvliously I needed to work on my approach to the subject. What better way than with a craft! To put the year into perspective for the little man I glued together 4 pieces of construction paper representing the 4 seasons. I printed some family pictures for each season, we talked about what we did and what season each picture belongs to.

  • Construction paper
  • Crayons
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Family pictures
  1. Glue the construction paper together writing one number of the year and one season on each paper.
  2. Decorate each season using the crayons and pictures.
Enjoy and Happy New Year!


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