Christmas Picture Frame Art

This is easy and fun and as long as you use non permanent markers you can wipe it away after Christmas put the pictures back in the frames and you're back to normal. There are so many possibilities as far as designs, angels, snowmen, Christmas trees or your own made up designs.

Cost: Under $5.00

Time: 20 minutes

  • Picture frames
  • Dry-erase markers (or any non permanent markers)
  • Aluminum foil

  1. Take the backs off of the picture frames and take out the pictures.
  2. Draw Christmas pictures on the glass, trees, snowmen etc. The best part is that you can try and erase as many times as you like.
  3. Wrap the back of the frames with aluminum foil. Press the foil flat.
  4. Reassemble the picture frames (make sure the marker side goes against the foil, but don't move it too much or it will scratch your picture) and display!


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