Outdoor Painting

These monogram signs are the perfect outdoor painting project for little and big artists. Take a walk outside before painting to collect flowers, pinecones, sticks and rocks that would make interresting stamps for your artwork.
Canvas, wood canvas or wood sign
(I used a wood canvas and a wood sign I found at the Dollar Store)
Acrylic paint 
Sponge brushes (or sponges)
Masking tape
Pine cones, flowers, sticks, grass etc.
Marker (I used a silver sharpee)
Step 1:
Paint the canvas with a neutral back color and let dry
Write a letter in masking tape (the first letter of your family name or your children's name)
tape a border around the canvas.
Step 2:
Using sponge brushes or sponges paint the canvas. Sponge paint around the masking tape letter.
Step 3:
Using the pine cone, flower, stick and other nature made paintbrushes to stamp and make patterns on the canvas.
Step 4:
Let the canvases dry in the sun.
Step 5:
When the paint is completely dry remove the masking tape. Trace the letter and border with the marker to make nice clean borders.
Display proudly on the wall.


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